Relationship Between Knowledge Level and Characteristics of Pulses Seed Growers


  • S. Janani Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
  • A. Palaniswamy Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 3.
  • M. Balarubini Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology


The study was undertaken to study the relationship between knowledge level and profile characteristics of pulses seed growers. A sample of 90 pulses seed growing farmers was selected from 3 blocks of Coimbatore district in Tamil Nadu. The blocks were Kinathukadavu, Thondamuthur and Karamadai. For the study 30 farmers from each of the three blocks, where the highest number of farmers cultivating pulses for seed production were selected by employing simple random sampling technique in each block. Collection of data was done with the help of semi structured interview schedule. The study revealed that experience in seed production, social participation, urban contact and information seeking behaviour would increase the knowledge level of seed growers. The variables experience in seed production was contributing more than 75 per cent of the variation in
the knowledge level. 

Author Biographies

  • S. Janani, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
    Ph. D Scholar
  • A. Palaniswamy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 3.
    Professor, Directorate of Extension Education, Training Division,
  • M. Balarubini, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
    Ph. D Scholar


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Policy Note, 2010-2011. Demand No. 5 – Agriculture




How to Cite

Relationship Between Knowledge Level and Characteristics of Pulses Seed Growers. (2016). Journal of Extension Education, 27(1).